Bringing credibility to cryptocurrency.
The Problem to Solve
In 2018, the frenzy over cryptocurrency had reached an all-time high. While everyone seemed to be talking about the hottest investment of the year, the actual number of people with the confidence to invest was quite small. As one of Canada's largest players in the digital currency space with more than 100,000 customers on its trading platform, Coinsquare’s growth depended on broadening its relevance and reach to a larger, more mainstream audience of potential investors.
Our Solution
To overcome negative perceptions and establish Coinsquare as the authoritative industry leader, our creative took on category fears of ‘bad players’ head on. We further built credibility through a connection strategy that took its cues from Canada's most trusted and traditional financial institutions. Coinsquare's integrated launch campaign appeared in the obvious digital channels, but also made a splash with traditional paid media including must-see TV (NBA and NHL playoffs), high-profile out-of-home billboards, and across established business print media, including The Globe and Mail and The National Post.