Celebrating credible news in an incredible world.
The Problem to Solve
70% of Canadians are concerned that fake news and the spread of disinformation can negatively influence their daily lives. As the voice of the print and digital media industry in Canada, News Media Canada (NMC-MIC) represents hundreds of trusted titles including The Globe and Mail, National Post, Calgary Herald, La Tribune, and Metro Halifax. Against a backdrop of increasing consumer fear and scepticism, NMC needed to reinforce the trustworthiness and relevance of their member publications.
Our Solution
What better way to reinforce the value of newspapers than to talk to Canadians honestly and directly right at the source? Coinciding with National Newspaper Week, The Garden developed a bilingual campaign to demonstrate the power of print media with simple and provocative headlines reminding people why, particularly in an era of rampant #fakenews, newspapers are the most reliable source for information they can trust.